Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Grille de la semaine #44 [League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen #31]

Les championnats indiens de sudoku ont eu lieu le week-end dernier ; j'y contribuais à hauteur de quatre grilles de difficulté facile à moyenne, dont un killer sudoku qui semble avoir été apprécié des participant(e)s. Voici donc une grille du même type et dont la construction est proche de celle du tournoi. Félicitations à Prasanna Seshadri pour son titre ainsi qu'à Rohan Rao et Rishi Puri qui en terminent à courte distance. L'équipe indienne promet d'être d'une efficacité sans précédent cette année.
Pour rappel, les grilles de la League sont jouables en ligne à l'adresse avec un délai de 24h.

Last week-end was held the indian sudoku championship 2013; four of the puzzles were from me, all being easy to medium in difficulty, including a killer sudoku that seems to have been appreciated by the participants. So, here is another puzzle of the same type and using a similar theme. Congratulations to Prasanna Seshadri for his title and to Rohan Rao and Rishi Puri for finishing close to him. The indian team sounds more promising than ever this year.
Remember that you can solve the puzzles from the League online on with a 24h delay.

Règles :
Chaque ligne, colonne et région doivent contenir les chiffres de 1 à 9.
De plus, le nombre en haut à gauche d'une zone délimitée correspond à la somme des chiffres de cette zone. Un chiffre ne peut se répéter au sein d'une zone.
Each row, column and region must contain the digits from 1 to 9.
The value on the top-left corner of a bounded area is equal to the sum of this area's digits. No digit can repeat within an area.

#51 Killer Sudoku



  1. This is a really nice general solving theme to base killer on. I was one of those who really enjoyed the ISC Killer and this one is probably better in using the theme (although I can see that the 7-9 one is probably more suited difficulty wise to the ISC). Thanks for both of these, as well as your other contributions to a wonderful ISC :)

  2. Thank you for the nice comment Prasanna; indeed I had to keep things reasonably easy for the ISC since I was asked to prepare a set of puzzles of medium difficulty at max. I am glad you still enjoyed them. Congrats again for your title, and looking forward to see how well you will perform in China. :)
