As my 100th puzzle (though I find it hard to believe) contributed to the Daily League, here comes a little something that should keep you occupied until I find the time to redact my thoughts about the 10th World Sudoku Championship and 24th World Puzzle Championship.
It has been a while since I made a Little Killer Sudoku, though this variant matters much to me.
This particular puzzle garnered quite a lot of positive reactions from renowned authors, which felt immensely rewarding at the time. Regarding Killer Sudoku, this variant and I have always been in some kind of love/hate relationship. I enjoy solving Killer Sudoku, consider myself reasonably good at it... and always fail miserably when I encounter one during a competition.
Combining these two variants felt like a good way to celebrate this milestone. As usual, the puzzle can be solved using a series of purely logical steps, without ever needing guesswork. It is hard, though. You have been warned...
Good luck finding the keys of this Little Killer² Sudoku!
Règles :
Chaque ligne, colonne et région doivent contenir les chiffres de 1 à 9.
Les indices à l'extérieur de la grille correspondent à la somme des chiffres dans la diagonale indiquée.
De plus, le nombre en haut à gauche d'une zone délimitée correspond à la
somme des chiffres de cette zone. Un chiffre ne peut se répéter au sein
d'une zone.
Each row, column and region must contain the digits from 1 to 9.
Clues outside the grid represent the sum of digits in the indicated direction.
value on the top-left corner of a bounded area is equal to the sum of
this area's digits. No digit can repeat within an area.
#172 Little Killer² Sudoku