Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Grille de la semaine #159

Just like last year, this year's World Puzzle Championship featured an instructionless round (on which I did poorly, but nothing new here). What better occasion to publish another "On your own" puzzle, after the one I made back from WPC 2014? The rules of this one are supposed to be simpler to figure out, though the puzzle itself might not be that easy. Good luck, and enjoy.

#173 On Your Own

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Grille de la semaine #158 [League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen #100]

As my 100th puzzle (though I find it hard to believe) contributed to the Daily League, here comes a little something that should keep you occupied until I find the time to redact my thoughts about the 10th World Sudoku Championship and 24th World Puzzle Championship.
It has been a while since I made a Little Killer Sudoku, though this variant matters much to me. This particular puzzle garnered quite a lot of positive reactions from renowned authors, which felt immensely rewarding at the time. Regarding Killer Sudoku, this variant and I have always been in some kind of love/hate relationship. I enjoy solving Killer Sudoku, consider myself reasonably good at it... and always fail miserably when I encounter one during a competition.
Combining these two variants felt like a good way to celebrate this milestone. As usual, the puzzle can be solved using a series of purely logical steps, without ever needing guesswork. It is hard, though. You have been warned...

Good luck finding the keys of this Little Killer² Sudoku!

Remember that you can solve the puzzles from the League online on with a 24h delay.

Règles :
Chaque ligne, colonne et région doivent contenir les chiffres de 1 à 9.
Les indices à l'extérieur de la grille correspondent à la somme des chiffres dans la diagonale indiquée.
De plus, le nombre en haut à gauche d'une zone délimitée correspond à la somme des chiffres de cette zone. Un chiffre ne peut se répéter au sein d'une zone.
Each row, column and region must contain the digits from 1 to 9.
Clues outside the grid represent the sum of digits in the indicated direction.
The value on the top-left corner of a bounded area is equal to the sum of this area's digits. No digit can repeat within an area.

#172 Little Killer² Sudoku


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Grille de la semaine #157

Règles :
Placez des ampoules dans certaines cases blanches (une par case au maximum), de sorte que chaque case blanche soit éclairée.
Une ampoule éclaire toutes les cases dans la ligne et la colonne à laquelle elle appartient, jusqu'à ce que la lumière rencontre un mur ou une case noire. Deux ampoules ne peuvent s'éclairer l'une l'autre.
Un chiffre dans une case noire indique le nombre d'ampoules dans les cases orthogonalement adjacentes.
Place light bulbs in some white cells (one per cell at most), so that every white cell is illuminated.
A bulb illuminates all white cells in its row and column, until the light reaches a wall or a black cell.
Two bulbs can not illuminate each other.
Digits in black cells indicate the number of bulbs in the orthogonally adjacent cells.

#171 Akari


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Grille de la semaine #156 [League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen #99]

Règles :
Chaque ligne, colonne et région doivent contenir les chiffres de 1 à 9.
Each row, column and region must contain the digits from 1 to 9.

#170 Sudoku