Wednesday, October 17, 2012

(Petits) tueurs en série

Au commencement était Tom, et Tom posta cette grille : vint Fred, qui beaucoup se moqua de ses 21 indices dont 4 "gratuits" ; et Fred publia ceci :
Deux fort belles grilles à vrai dire ; et plutôt que de m'aventurer sur le terrain de la surenchère qualitative, j'ai préféré me contenter d'apporter un premier élément de réponse à la question soulevée par le même Fred. Voici donc un Little killer sudoku ; la première version de la grille comporte 5 indices et est minimale ; la seconde, 6 et est symétrique ; faites votre choix !

Règles :
Chaque ligne, colonne et région doivent contenir les chiffres de 1 à 9.
Les indices à l'extérieur de la grille correspondent à la somme des chiffres dans la diagonale indiquée.
Each row, column and region must contain the digits from 1 to 9.
Clues outside the grid represent the sum of digits in the indicated direction.

#2 Little Killer Sudoku V1

#2 Little Killer Sudoku V2


  1. I didn't bother translating the description and just went along and solved the 1st version and came back thinking there's 2! Anyway, the minimal vs symmetric discussion aside, all of these Little Killers were a lot of fun, as was the WSC one. I'd rate Fred's as the toughest probably, but not by much.

  2. Sorry to have you mistaken, Prasanna! And thank you for the comment. This shows how joking about one puzzle can lead to some positive effects, thanks to the power of emulation. Now, if I make fun of this puzzle, maybe it will incite me to create a 50x50 akari?
    Hem... not quite sure about that.

    1. I think I'm well covered on people making fun of the marathons, unless Palmer decides to mock me with his puzzle 100. I would love it if it led to similar results though. Long time since I solved a marathon other than doing the Nikoli time trials as a non-member! Of course, a 50x50 Akari might not be that much fun with fewer clue cells :P
